Monday 13 July 2015

Should I Clean My Greenhouse Windows?

A greenhouse is a home to many beloved plants. For that reason, it needs to be maintained properly. Here are three reasons why the windows of a greenhouse should be cleaned regularly.

1. Algae

A greenhouse has concentrated sunshine and heat, which maximizes plant growth. This type of warm, enclosed environment encourages algae to grow on the windows. “Algae” is the plural of “alga”. It is a Latin word that means seaweed. Thinking of algae as seaweed growing on the glass causes one to understand why cleaning the windows is necessary.

2. Hard Water Deposits

If hard water is used to water the plants, the calcium from the water is deposited on the glass when the water droplets evaporate. Water with high mineral content is considered to be hard. The more the calcium accumulates on the windows, the less heat the plants receive because the windows are obstructed due to the hard water deposits.

3. General Dirt, Dust, and Grime

Just like the windows of any home, dirt, dust, and grime build up on greenhouse windows, too. Dirty windows affect the level of sunlight entering the greenhouse. Less light may lead to straggly plants.

One should consider the overall cleanliness of the greenhouse as well. A tidy greenhouse will prevent pests and diseases from spreading in the heated and humid conditions. Botanists understand that algae, hard water deposits, and general dirt, dust, and grime need to be removed from windows to allow for proper light and heat to penetrate the plants. Please visit this website for more information on residential window cleaning in San Diego.

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