Monday 13 July 2015

How to Clean Window Tracks


When it’s time to open your windows to let some fresh air in, you’ll want your window tracks to be clean and free of debris. Letting dust and dirt in, along with the fresh air, is probably not your intention. Here is an easy, three-step process for cleaning window tracks.

1. Use a Vacuum

If you can, remove the screen. Use a vacuum with a hose attachment, and vacuum up the dirt, dust, and dead bugs.

2. Use a Damp Cloth

Once the vacuuming is done, use a damp cloth and a small bucket of water. Squirt a bit of dish soap in the water. Wipe the dirt and grime away with the damp, soapy cloth.

3. Use a Window Track Cleaning Brush

If your windows tracks have not been cleaned in a few years, you’ll likely need to continue with this step. Use a brush made for cleaning window tracks; or if you don’t want to invest in such a brush, a toothbrush can work quite well. Dip the brush in the soapy water and scrub the track. Doing so should remove the excess dirt and grime. Occasionally, a putty or butter knife might be needed to scrape off stubborn dirt. Wipe the track clean with a cloth.

Now, you can bring the outside in by opening your windows with clean window tracks. The fresh air is sure to take away any musty odors and leave you feeling invigorated.  Visit this website for more information on window cleaning services in La Jolla.

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